About Me
The Fun Stuff
I’ll begin with the fun stuff. I’ve been married to the same great guy for all of fifty years (wow, that happened fast!) and have three sweet, brilliant, talented children plus three sweet, awesome, adorable grandchildren. :-)
Where We Live
Steve and I love Idaho, our beautiful adopted state, and all that it offers. I especially appreciate the abundance of outdoor activities available nearby. I grow a small flower garden each summer and walk almost every day on a canal road that runs beside our house.
What I Like
I like to read (no surprise, huh?), especially if I can plunk my camp chair under a shady evergreen beside a burbling creek and have a few peaceful hours to soak up fresh air and new ideas. I also enjoy studying God's Word with the sweet ladies in my Bible study group.
Writing Journey
For those who wonder how I got my start writing, my journey to print has been a fairly typical one for a writer. As a kid, I loved the smell of the tan rectangular erasers we used back then, the feel of a No. 2 pencil between my fingers, and the thrill of opening a new Big Chief writing tablet at the beginning of the school year. I wrote stories, drew pictures (most had mountains in them) and scribbled arithmetic problems on those soft beige pages.
Since then, I’ve written, edited and published a variety of writings, fiction and nonfiction. I like the freedom and fun of fiction, but I also love to record the stories of real people whose lives have been forever transformed by Jesus.
Looking for Hope
~ Looking for Hope in All the Wrong Places ~ is my motto when writing about life on this dark planet. As mentioned on the home page, my favorite scripture verse is Romans 15:13. Here's another encouraging "hope" verse for you. "As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more." Psalm 71.14
Thanks for reading!