Let Me Tell You A Story

In our “Let Me Tell You a Story” podcast, my husband, Steve, and I have a lot of fun interviewing people from all walks of life who have all kinds of intriguing stories to tell. We also talk with authors and have them read from their writing. Sometimes, we even read something we've written. ;-)
FYI, the "Listen now" link should take you directly to Spotify. Be sure to scroll down to access our latest podcasts. "Let Me Tell You a Story" is also available on iTunes and at iHeartRadio. (If the "listen now" link doesn't work for an earlier podcast, click one of the three links listed above to hear it.)
Podcast 167: Life Is Precious
This podcast features two special ladies, both named Cathy, who graciously share their pregnancy trauma/s with us. Through ignorance and pain, they sought solutions to unwanted pregnancies that they both now regret. Yet, they've experienced God's forgiveness and emotional healing and want to share the peace and joy they've found with others who suffer the same regrets.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 166: Greener Grass Syndrome
Infidelity nearly destroyed Nancy and Ron Anderson's marriage 40+ years ago. In this Let Me Tell You a Story episode, through laughter and tears, they talk about the intentional steps they took to rebuild their relationship and regain love and respect for each other. Whether all is well in your marriage or you're attempting to restore a broken one, the Andersons have much to say to spur couples toward marital harmony.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 165: Empty Arms
Loss of a loved one comes in many forms, all painful. Our guest on this episode shares how she moved through difficult days with the assurance that God would never leave her and the support of friends and family who stepped in when she didn't have the strength to go on.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 164: Journey to Joy
Our longtime friends Linda and Bob talk about deep losses in their family and how they found healing, followed by a sweet friend named Terri who shares a poem she wrote, which beautifully chronicles the losses she and her husband, Larry, experienced. Although both couples' trauma was exceedingly painful, they eloquently relay the process and steps needed to walk through grief and come out the other side with even stronger marriages and faith.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 163: Christmas Ridge, Colorado
Patti Shene, author of "Cathy's Christmas Confession," a Christmas Ridge Romance, Book Three, joined us to talk about her contribution to the series. Her fun novella features a colorful cast of characters, including a heroine and hero who are challenged to step out of their comfort zones. If you'd like to enter a drawing for a $50 Amazon card, you can do so by registering for Patti's newsletter at --
https://tinyurl.com/2p82kx9 (deadline midnight December 6, 2024)
Or go to her website: https://pattishene.com/
See the book: https://pattishene.com/pattis-christmas-novella
Podcast 162: And Then You Were Gone
Becky Avella graciously agreed to discuss the painful loss of four children through miscarriage plus talk about the book she wrote to help other families who've faced the same trauma. Her transparency and sweet spirit, along with her suggestions for healing and ways to support anyone who's lost a loved one, are sure to encourage listeners, whether female or male.
Becky on Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/43ec2ur4
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 161: Temper Tantrums
Ever had an angry moment (or several) you'd rather not talk about? Or buried resentment deep inside? Our guest, author Kathy Collard Miller, shares stories from her life and from others who contributed to her latest book. Then she shows us from the Bible how Jesus handled similar situations. I highly recommend "Managing Anger--Jesus Style" for everyone, whether your temperament is set on slow simmer or leans toward the volcanic. :-)
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 160: Movement Matters
Katy Nelson's enthusiasm for bringing smiles and movement to older adults is contagious. She has a special love for helping those with memory loss. In addition, she offers lots of tips for caregivers--not just how to help their loved ones but reminders to care for their own well-being.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 159: To Russia and Back
Our longtime friend, Lee Eddy, has taught the Bible in churches in America, Russia and Latvia and has a deep desire to see relationships healed. Russia is where he developed the materials for his Pure Man Ministry. Along with discussing that focus, we talk about his Face to Face (counseling) Ministry and Great Romance (marriage) Ministry. Although the subject matter is serious, Lee has a great sense of humor, and we had plenty of laughs throughout the podcast.
Podcast 158: Cop Culture
Larry Miller's law enforcement career spanned several decades and taught him much about human nature, especially about himself. He and his wife, Kathy, shared with us how police work affected their marriage and family and the changes they had to make to survive.
Podcast 157: A Fun Ride
In her 40-year radio career, Bridget Bonde has adapted to numerous technological advances as well as studio format and music style changes. We had a great time asking about her DJ experiences and the ups and downs of hosting solo radio shows in the Treasure Valley.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 156: The Wonderful World of Worms
Our guest, Agronomist Jerry Arledge, was privileged to spend many years in Latin America learning from farmers and working with them to increase crop yields. Together, they developed techniques that included the lowly earthworm and resulted in amazing harvests. You'll enjoy Jerry's enthusiasm for his work and the people he met along the way.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 155: A Day in the Life of a Union Steward
We had a fun talk with our friend Larry who serves his coworkers as a union steward. Whether you have experience with unions or not, you'll enjoy Larry's unique, honest perspective and sense of humor.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 154: Roller Derby, Anyone?
Cyndy Radovich, our guest in Podcast 153, kindly stayed a few minutes longer to tell us about a new hobby she's thoroughly enjoying. In addition, Becky reads an excerpt from her latest novel in the Children of the Light series, Crimson Arches.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 153: Smiles & Sweets
Cyndy Radovich, owner of Sweet Zola's, a Boise candy shop, loves her work and loves her employees, a special group of young people finding their place in the work force. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and you'll come away with a smile on your face after listening! :-)
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 152: Warhawk Air Museum
Carson Spear, executive director of the Warhawk Air Museum in Nampa, Idaho, talked with us about the museum's 35-year history and all the amazing activities and opportunities available there today. We also asked about his combat experience as a platoon leader in Southern Baghdad, where he was deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom II and awarded a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 151: No More Anger
Author Kathy Collard Miller not only writes award-winning, bestselling books—more than 60 of them, she also blogs and records videos and speaks around the country and the world on subjects we all can relate to. In addition, Kathy and her husband, Larry, provide faith-based lay counseling for individuals as well as couples.
website: https://kathycollardmiller.com/
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 150: Why Rwanda?
When we learned Bill Miller has made several trips to Rwanda, we had to ask why. In this podcast, we talk about what first caught his interest in such a beautiful but faraway country. He's been privileged to serve a school there by training teachers how to teach the children English. In turn, they've taught him how to become a better trainer.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 149: Christian Chapter Book Author
Wendy Mattox's enthusiasm for kids and books for kids shines in this podcast. Her three series include stories about time-traveling twins, a boy who shrinks, and an animal spy team. Wendy describes her stories, which can be read in any order, as books kids love and parents trust.
Wendy's website: https://www.wendyannmattox.com
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 148: Utopia Abandoned
Laurie Bower joins Steve and Becky to talk about the latest book in her Utopian Series. This one is titled "Utopia Abandoned" and features a beautiful city beneath the treacherous wasteland that lies outside the dome. We talk with Laurie about the skill and research required to write dystopian fantasy and conclude with her reading the first chapter of "Utopia Abandoned" for listeners' enjoyment.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 147: Crimson Arches
Here's your chance to hear Becky read the prologue to the second book in her "Children of the Light" series, Crimson Arches. Like Shadow Ranch, the first book in the series, this one is named after the ranch where the story is set and continues to focus on modern-day polygamy. Steve follows her reading with questions and comments sure to entertain. :-)
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 146: Cold Turkey, Warm Culture
"Cold Turkey" follows an American schoolteacher's sometimes fun, sometimes frustrating romp through Istanbul, a metropolis bustling with welcoming, warmhearted citizens--who speak another language. Talking with the novel's author, Jodi Cowles, who experienced many of the same ups and downs when she was a foreign aid worker, was definitely on the fun side. With a subtitle like "How Much Chaos, Crowds, and Colorful Adventure Can One Woman Take?" you can understand why the book is a great read for explorers, travelers, teachers and those who enjoy clean comedy with a hint of romance.
Podcast 145: Cruisin' with the Lyles
We had a fun time interviewing Steve's brother, Don, and sister-in-law, Karen, about the many ocean cruises they've enjoyed. If you've ever been on an ocean cruise or hope to someday go on one, you'll enjoy their descriptions of places they've gone, sights they've seen, friends they've made, and the myriad of fun things to do on a cruise ship and shore trips.
Podcast 144: Hands of Gold
Award-winning author Roni Robbins talks with us about her novel, Hands of Gold, a fictionalized account of her Jewish grandfather's immigration to America. His journey was long and arduous, and his life in the USA not easy. All too soon, he learned it's not a land of milk and honey and the streets are not paved with gold. But he was a survivor and made the best of it with hard work, humor, and the support of his loving wife and family.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 143: Walking the Terminal
We like to talk with people who have unusual occupations. Our interviewee for podcast #143, Warren Milanowski, retired from 39 years of airline work and stepped into a new role, one he'd never before considered. Tune in to learn all about it.
Podcast 143: Walking the Terminal
We like to talk with people who have unusual occupations. Our interviewee for podcast #143, Warren Milanowski, retired from 39 years of airline work and stepped into a new role, one he'd never before considered. Tune in to learn all about it.
Podcast 142: Zaidy's War
Four Armies, Three Continents, Two Brothers. One Man's Impossible Story of Endurance. Martin Bodek penned his grandfather's WWII story, and quite a story it is. The author and his book can be found on social media, anywhere books are sold online and on martinbodek.com.
Podcast 141: Adoption Adventure
After several years of marriage and still no children in their home, Andrea and Adam Graham decided to look into adoption alternatives. They are now the proud parents of cute little EJ, but their journey to parenthood wasn’t easy. The long process required persistence, flexibility and faith.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 140: The Irresponsible Reader
We often invite authors to talk with us on this podcast, but today we’re speaking with one of the many people authors value the most—readers! H.C. Newton is not only an avid, and I mean avid reader, he hosts a blog and a website called The Irresponsible Reader that's all about books and their authors. You can read his reviews and connect with him at any of the below sites.
Podcast 139: The Secret Life of a Secret Service Agent
Bob West's career with the United States Secret Service is long over, but you'll enjoy his memories of the days when he conducted criminal investigations and protected U.S. political leaders and their families as well as visiting foreign heads of state. Want to know which president he most enjoyed serving? Take a listen. :-)
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 138: Old Time Radio with Adam Graham
We usually bring authors to our podcast to highlight their books, but we talked with Adam about his books and his podcasting because he’s a prolific podcaster, with five old-time radio podcasts to monitor. You can find them under these names: Great Detectives, The Old Time Dragnet Show, The Old Time Radio Superman, The Amazing World of Radio, and The War. Feeling nostalgic for the good ol' days? Take a listen.
website: Great Detectives
Podcast 137: What's In Your Howl?
Author Doug Gamble has written a beautifully illustrated story for young children that features an armadillo and a coyote who learn to appreciate each other's differences. We had a fun conversation with Doug and are sure you'll enjoy our talk as much as we did.
website: Xulon Press
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 136: Idaho Black Bear Rehabilitation
Terri and Larry Limberg spent several years transporting young black bears around the West. Tune in to learn the whys and hows of such a potentially dangerous endeavor -- and to learn about the Idaho Black Bear Rehab program.
website: https://www.bearrehab.org/
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 135: The Apprentice of Buchenwald
We were privileged to interview Oren Schneider, author of "The Apprentice of Buchenwald: The True Story of the Teenage Boy Who Sabotaged Hitler's War Machine," and know you'll enjoy learning about his amazing grandfather's survival tactics. Here are a few lines from the back-cover blurb.
Using their last reserves of wealth and influence to escape extermination, the Rosenbergs go underground to avoid the Gestapo. Eventually exposed, captured, and taken to Buchenwald, the largest concentration camp in Germany, Alexander and his father collaborate to survive one day at a time.
A chaotic chain of events puts young Alexander at the heart of a massive armament sabotage scheme. When his father is gravely injured and disappears after an air bombing, it is up to industrious Alexander to create leverage and use wartime machinations and raw talent to save his father’s life.
website: https://apprenticeofbuchenwald.com/
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 134: The Road to Karachi
When Drew Brown came to our home to help us with our audio equipment, we learned something about him and his family that piqued our curiosity and generated lots of questions. Join us to learn where they came from and where they're going. Theirs is a fascinating and fun story!
website: https://drewallenbrown.com/
website: https://chogglobal.org/team/dsbrown/
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 133: What Lurks in the Shadow Ranch Shadows
In episode #133, Steve and Becky talk about her latest novel, the first in the Children of the Light series, and finish off with Becky reading the Shadow Ranch prologue—just to wet your appetite for the rest of the story. :-)
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 132: Living a Principled Life
Our guest, Richard Matteson, has been with us before, and we always enjoy talking with him. This time, we discuss some of the "80 universal principles of life" he writes about in his new book. Toward the end of the podcast, we asked him to read an excerpt titled the "Peace Principle." I think we can all agree this war-weary world is in need of a good dose of peace. :-)
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 131: Raptor Rapture
Considered a sport by some and an art form by others, falconry has been practiced for hundreds of years in the United States and in other countries. Many have called the sport a "bond with the wild." It can be both exciting and disappointing, and requires much dedication and hard work.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 130: Becoming Unshakeable
Lysa Beltz has experienced marriage, divorce, re-marriage, a blended family, the ups and downs of relationships, scarcity, and abundance. She’s had tough seasons and times of great blessing. Through it all, God has been her foundation and she’s seen Him move in ways that can only be described as supernatural. In her books and in her life, she uses what she’s learned to help those she touches with her faith.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 129: Love at First Varoom
DJ Everett has been racing cars for over 30 years and also been a race announcer for more than a dozen years. He announces at race tracks as well as for television and DVDs. Along with two other racing enthusiasts, DJ hosts a podcast called “Turn 5 Live,” where the three men discuss Northwest and West Coast racing events and results. Even if you’re like us and don’t know much about the sport, you’ll enjoy DJ's story.
Turn 5 Live Podcast: https://www.facebook.com/watch/Turn5Live/
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 128: Betwixt and Between
Thanks to the craziness of 2020, we were able to catch our guest between countries. Marie has studied and worked with a charity organization in Asia and is now headed to a far different country to do similar work. Listeners will enjoy her humor and international perspective.
email story@beckylyles.com for more info
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 127: Through the Clouds
Our guest on Podcast #127 is Ron Hilbrands, a friend who’s flown airplanes in remote parts of the world for an organization called Mission Aviation Fellowship. He served as a pilot/mechanic in both Indonesia and the Kingdom of Lesotho. (I had to look up Lesotho, pronounced Li-soo-too, and learned it’s a beautiful yet small country inside of South Africa.) Later in his 36-year career with MAF, Ron left flying to manage their Mobilization Department. We asked him to join us on Let Me Tell You a Story to share some of his overseas adventures.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 126: Heaven Came Down
Daughter of a Scottish immigrant and a third-generation American, Beatrice Carroll grew up on Long Island, New York. At age 17, she enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and served during the Vietnam War. After the Marine Corps, her life spiraled downward into the disease of addiction, leaving her lost, alone and homeless, living on the streets in Los Angeles, California. But on May 12, 1982, a surprise encounter changed her life forever. Today, she serves as a psychotherapist who specializes in women’s issues and addictions. Her desire is to create a safe, beautiful place for women to heal and realize their amazing worth.
Contact Beatrice at: beatricecarroll56@gmail.com
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 125: In Sickness and in Health
Henry Charlier is the husband of Lori Charlier who talked with us on Podcast #118 about the anxiety, panic attacks and depression she endured for several years. In addition to being Lori’s husband and a dad to three great kids, Henry is also a biochemistry professor, a Sunday school teacher and an avid hunter and fisherman. He’s a busy man, yet he kindly agreed to talk with us about the flip side of depression, the caretaker’s perspective.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 124: Around the World in 32 Years
Our guest on podcast #124 is Becky’s cousin Wes Carey who spent 32 years in the U.S. Navy. He’s a great storyteller, so we twisted his arm to share some of his experiences with us. We had a lot of fun visiting with him, and we know you’ll enjoy hearing his stories too.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 123: Prisoners of Hope Series
This podcast is not our norm, but if you’d like to hear how Becky’s latest series about a religious cult came about, take a listen. :-) We talk about cults in general and how controlling groups around the world have much in common, from a family dominated by one individual to a huge organization dominated by a narcissist and his or her inner circle.
Neither of us is an expert on the topic, yet we’ve learned from our research and hope our discussion helps listeners avoid high-demand groups. At the end, Becky reads from the first book in the series, "Shattered Dream."
Shattered Dream available on Amazon
Becky's Amazon page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 122: "D" Word No. 3
Recent guests have talked about DEPRESSION and DRUG ADDICTION, and now Richard Matteson shares his experience and insights regarding DIVORCE. He’s worked as a businessman, a leadership trainer, a teacher, a personal coach, and a singles pastor, and has written a column for a family magazine titled “Beginning Again.” On this podcast, he talks about how to divorce-proof a marriage as well as how to survive divorce and all that goes with it.
Podcast 121: Another "D" Word
Podcast 118 featured a guest who talked about depression. Our guest for podcast 121, Cathy Whitmore, discusses drug addiction and the events in her life that led to long-term incarceration. Her story has a happy ending, so be sure to listen all the way to the end. :-)
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
(www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org
Podcast 120: Discovering the Joy of Reading
Our guest on podcast 120 is Dr. Mary McGuire, a longtime friend and teacher. Mary has taught in Wyoming and Idaho as a classroom teacher and also as a reading specialist. Her passion for helping children learn to read comes from her own childhood struggles. In addition to sharing her story, Mary provides suggestions for parents who want to develop a love for reading in their children.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 119: I Was Born for This
We've wanted to have Marsha Tennyson join us on "Let Me Tell You a Story" for a long time, and finally, it happened. We're excited to share the interview we had with her because we know you'll enjoy her story and the story of how Chrysalis Women's Transitional Living came to be in Boise, Idaho.
website: https://www.chrysaliswomenidaho.org
phone: 208-424-1323
email: marsha@chrysalisidaho.org
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 118: The "D" Word
Lori Charlier, today’s guest, dares to talk about her five-year bout with depression. Once the life of the party, she struggled to find meaning in life and a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Thanks to a supportive family, caring friends, prayer and medical intervention, she’s now found her way to the other side. Lori candidly shares her story with us on podcast 118, including how her anxiety, panic attacks and depression affected her family. Her desire is that others will be encouraged by her journey.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 117: Driven to His Knees
On this podcast, Leslie Montgomery, author and ghostwriter of over a dozen books, talks about her writing career. Among other projects, she’s written for Focus on the Family for over 20 years and is the former Director of Publications for the American Association of Christian Counselors. She's best known for writing the spiritual biography, “The Faith of Condoleezza Rice,” when Condoleezza served as Secretary of State during the George W. Bush administration. Her latest book, also a spiritual biography, is titled “The Faith of Mike Pence” and is scheduled for release on August 6th.
Leslie Montgomery: website
Amazon author page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 116: Man of Many Talents
Patrick Craig has worn a variety of hats over the years, including songwriter, rock-band musician, music studio owner/engineer and church worship leader. Currently, he's writing and publishing books. In addition to two Amish series, he's written a children's mystery and co-authored a novel set during World War II.
Patrick E. Craig: website
Amazon author page
Connect on Facebook
Connect on LinkedIn
Connect on Twitter
Podcast 115: The Ghost of Gold Creek
Author Lisa Michelle Hess talks about her newly released young adult novel, “Ghost of Gold Creek,” then treats listeners to a lengthy excerpt. You’ll enjoy learning about this beautiful story’s inception and how it changed during the writing process.
Lisa Michelle Hess: website
Amazon author page: website
Connect on Facebook
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 114: I Did It My Way
You'll enjoy this fascinating story of a self-made man who discovered life was more than a big house, successful businesses and a huge bank account. Kent Johnson is retired yet busier than ever, heavily involved in what we call "purpose-driven travel" on the podcast.
Friends of Children Everywhere: website
Rarity Rugs: website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 113: Somebody to Love Me
Our guest, Leslie Montgomery, is the author and ghostwriter of over a dozen books, including The Faith of Condoleezza Rice. Her latest book, The Faith of Mike Pence, is scheduled for release next August. In a later podcast, we’ll talk with Leslie about her writing. But in this episode, we focus on her personal story and her journey out of a traumatic childhood and troubled adolescence to becoming a wife, mother of four, grandmother of six, teacher, writer and conference speaker.
Leslie Montgomery website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Five years into their marriage, Marguerite and Steve Martell's marriage was on a downward spiral. Testing in a counselor's office confirmed their suspicion that their differences were almost too drastic to overcome. In podcast 112, the two of them tell listeners what they did to save their marriage and what they do to maintain their relationship, which continues to thrive fifteen years later.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 111: Balancing Act
Need inspiration? You'll enjoy Podcast 111 with David Rush, who is one of the most prolific Guinness World Record holders on the planet. He’s broken over 80 Guinness World Records while promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
He's the world’s fastest juggler as well as the world’s slowest juggler. He holds world records for the most bowling balls juggled, the most consecutive axe juggling catches, and for balancing a bicycle on his chin longer than anyone else who's competed for the record.
David Rush: web page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 110: The Sport No One "Plays"
Whether or not you're an amateur wrestling fan, you'll enjoy Dr. David Bennett's stories. He has not only coached all levels of the sport, from grassroots to international, he has served on the US Olympic Committee and currently scouts for World and Olympic competitions. In our interview with him, he tells the crazy story of how he became a "wrastler" in high school plus other fun stories he's accumulated over the years. He also shares words of wisdom garnered from a lifetime of involvement with wrestling worldwide.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 109: Which Way?
In their beautifully written book titled "Which Way? One Woman's Traumatic Journey and Her Daughter's Explanation of How to Turn Pain into Power," Jann and Shari Simmons explore childhood trauma and its long-lasting effects.
In podcast #109, these sweet, delightful women talk about overcoming rejection, abandonment, grief, shame and much more. Sit back and be prepared to learn, heal and grow through their wise words.
Shari Simmons: website
Shari Simmons: author page | contact email
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 108: Out of My Comfort Zone
Steve Bower, a charter pilot and a flight trainer, shares a fun short story with us on Podcast 108. Titled "Los Mochis, Mexico: Out of My Comfort Zone," the piece describes his first experience piloting an international charter flight. At the end of the podcast, he talks about an encounter with a dubious passenger, a story you're sure to enjoy.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 107: Seven Deadly Friendships
We are delighted to have Mary DeMuth as our guest on podcast 107. She’s the author of more than thirty books, most of them nonfiction, and many of them having to do with relationships and emotional healing. A sought-after international speaker, she has overcome, through Jesus’ healing, a difficult past to become an authentic example of what it means to live a brand-new story. For this podcast, she reads from her latest release, “The Seven Deadly Friendships: How to Heal when Painful Relationships Eat Away Your Joy.” She lives in Texas with her family and graciously agreed to speak with us by Skype.
Mary DeMuth website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 106: A Song in the Night
On Podcast #106, we interview author Rebecca Bryan Howell and ask her to tell us about her first book, "The Littlest Warrior." She also reads a fascinating excerpt from her most recent release, "A Song in the Night." Based on her mother's journals, Rebecca recounts the trials and adventures the daughter of homesteaders and granddaughter of pioneers experienced throughout her life.
Rebecca Bryan Howel website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 105: The Way We Were
After taking the summer off, we're hitting the airwaves again with a slightly tweaked emphasis. This year, we'll continue to interview authors, like we've done in the past, and talk about their writing and stories. We also want to talk with individuals who have stories to tell but who may not have put pen to paper to document their experiences. We know so many people with interesting backgrounds and adventure stories that we'd like to share with our listeners.
To begin our interview focus, the two of us interview each other, which felt a bit strange, but we had fun. We hope you enjoy our crazy childhood stories.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 104: Wyoming Wedding
In podcast 104, we come to the end of “Elder Brown’s Backslide,” a long short story by Harry Stillwell Edwards. We also read the final chapter of “Winds of Wyoming” and treat you to several fun Kid Chuckles plus some Eugene Shea poetry.
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 103: Salesman and Sarsaparilla
Steve reads part 2 of Elder Brown's story in podcast 103, Becky reads from Winds of Wyoming, and Steve concludes with a Roger Pond essay about phone salesmen.
Roger Pond: amazon page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 102: Elder Brown's Backslide (not backside!)
Listen now | Listen on iTunes | Listen on Stitcher | Listen on iHeart
Steve begins podcast #102 by reading the first installment of "Elder Brown's Backslide," a short story by Harry Stillwell Edwards. We also include a humorous Roger Pond essay, some entertaining Kid Chuckles and a chapter 33 excerpt from "Winds of Wyoming."
Roger Pond: amazon page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 101: Space Drifters
Podcast 101 features the conclusion of chapter 32 in "Winds of Wyoming" plus a great interview with Paul Regnier, author of a fun and crazy science fiction series called "Space Drifters." To introduce you to the series, Paul reads from the first book, "The Emerald Enigma." Steve finishes the podcast with a Roger Pond essay titled "Pony Sign."
Paul Regnier Amazon page, website, SpaceDrifters.com, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Roger Pond: amazon page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 100: Podcast No. 100!
Wow, we did it! Took us a while, but we enjoyed the journey and hope you did too. In this podcast, we "duet" the conclusion of Michelle Netten's "Different Mirrors" short story, Becky reads an excerpt from "Winds of Wyoming," and Steve shares David Roper insights plus Eugene Shea poetry. Enjoy!
Michelle Netten: author page, website
David Roper: author page, blog page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 99: Different Mirrors
Podcast 99 begins with an excerpt from Jeanne Kay's "Prison Librarian Journal" and is followed by a second installment from Michelle Netten's short story titled "Different Mirrors." Then Becky reads chapter 32 from "Winds of Wyoming," and Steve finishes with Kid Chuckles to brighten your day.
Michelle Netten: author page, website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 98: End of Construction
Insightful quotations from Billy Graham "bookend" this LMTYAS episode. In Michelle Netten's short story titled "Different Mirrors" (part one), we read about a governor's wife who runs away to Mexico. And in the "Winds of Wyoming" excerpt, Kate Neilson wishes she could run away. You’ll need to listen to the entire podcast to learn the surprising source for the episode title, “End of Construction.”
Michelle Netten: author page, website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 97: Burglars, Bison and Best Friends
On Podcast #97, Becky reads an excerpt from "Winds of Wyoming," and Steve follows with a short story by Mark Twain titled "The McWilliamses and the Burglar Alarm." Also included is an excerpt from Lisa Buffaloe’s latest book, "The Fortune," plus some Kid Chuckles to tickle your funny bone.
Lisa Buffaloe: website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 96: War of Words
Podcast 96 features Laurie Bower reading an introductory excerpt from "Fairy Wars: The Final Battles," Becky reading from "Winds of Wyoming," and Steve with Kid Chuckles plus a journal entry from Jeanne Kay's "Prison Librarian Journal."
Laurie Bower: website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 95: Poetry and Prose
Several individuals contributed to this podcast: Agatha the Cat with a cat haiku, Roger Pond with an essay, Patricia Diehl with an introduction to her latest women's fiction, "Debra/Deborah," and Suzanne McHone and Eugene Shea with their thought-provoking poetry. Enjoy!
Patricia Diehl: author page
Suzanne McHone: website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 94: Stories from Tom Logan, Mai Hainke and Roger Pond
Tom Logan reads more of his poetry on podcast #94. And Becky reads more from Mai Hainke’s story of growing up in South Vietnam during the Vietnamese War. Steve concludes the podcast with Roger Pond's early memories of watching television at the neighbor's house.
Tom Logan: author page
Roger Pond: author page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 93: Before and Beyond 2018
Tom Logan shares poems and thoughts about life and family and his love of writing in Podcast 93. We also feature an excerpt from Mai Hainke's memoir, “The Faithful God I Didn't Know.” Mai's memories of growing up in South Vietnam during the Vietnamese War are frightening and sad as well as fascinating and unique. The podcast ends on a humorous note, with Steve reading “Kid Chuckles.”
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 92: The Child Who Had Everything & The Child Who Had Nothing
Our Christmas readings are long and short, silly and sad, crazy and thought-provoking. Merry Christmas to All!
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 91: A Little Bit of Christmas
This episode includes the O. Henry Christmas short story titled "The Gift of the Magi" plus some Christmas quotes. We also provide excerpts from Patrick Craig's "Amish Heiress" and "Winds of Wyoming." Merry Christmas!
Patrick Craig website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 90: Deflated Dreams
In Podcast #90, we read David Roper and Eugene Shea writings concerning deflated Christmas dreams and Bethany Reihl's story of a deflated relationship dream. What about "Winds of Wyoming"? Well, this excerpt mixes deflated dreams with inflated egos.
David Roper blogsite and author page
Bethany Reihl blogsite
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 89: Meant for Paradise
Steve concludes PG Wodehouse's "Extricating Young Gussie" in this podcast, and Becky reads a "Winds of Wyoming," chapter 28, excerpt. We also feature Eugene Shea poetry and Lisa Buffaloe thoughts from "We Were Meant for Paradise."
Lisa Buffaloe website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 88: Some Things
Suzanne McHone graciously joined us in our home studio to read her beautiful poetry for this podcast. Steve and Becky followed with a PG Wodehouse short story titled "Extricating Young Gussie," a "Winds of Wyoming" excerpt, and a Roger Pond essay about a sidetracked turkey hunt titled "Fine Mess."
Suzanne McHone website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 87: Tsunami
Our selections for podcast #87 include "Tsunami" by John Clark Wagner, a "Winds of Wyoming" excerpt, some fun Kid Chuckles and good thoughts from Martin Luther King, Jr.
John Clark Wagner author page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 86: Bill the Bloodhound
In Podcast #86, Steve reads a long but fun 100-year-old short story by British humor author PG Wodehouse titled "Bill the Bloodhound." We also include more entries from Jeanne Kay's "Prison Librarian" journal and conclude with a Eugene Shea poem he titled "Ninety-Nine Years."
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 85: A Small Mistake
Our guest author, Lisa Michelle Hess, reads a short story from the "Passageways" collection titled "A Small Mistake," Steve and Becky share the reading of Jack London's short story titled "Daughter of Aurora," and Becky closes with "Winds of Wyoming" chapter 27.
Lisa Michelle Hess website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 84: Winds, Ways and Worms
We reached a milestone in this podcast -- the last chapter of "Treasure Island." Other readings come from Becky’s "Winds of Wyoming," Earline Kline's "The Ways of the Lord," and Roger Pond's "Take the Kids Fishing: They're Better than Worms."
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk, http://www.soundjay.com)
Podcast 83: A Life Worth Living
In the midst of crazy times, columnist, book author and blogger David Roper reminds us that life is worth living when we help others. Jeanne Kay provides humor and thoughts to ponder in excerpts from her Prison Librarian Journal. Becky's in chapter 25 of "Winds of Wyoming” and Steve reads chapter 33 from "Treasure Island."
David Roper blogsite and author page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 82: A Giant, a Garden and Gold
The "Selfish Giant" short story by Oscar Wilde and "Kid Chuckles" quotes are fun additions to our "Winds of Wyoming" and "Treasure Island" readings. We also throw in a poem the two of us wrote way back when. :-)
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 81: Romance and Run-Ins
You'll enjoy Jeanne Kay's "Prison Librarian" entries along with excerpts from "Father to the Fatherless" by Serenity Orr. Steve reads chapter 31 from "Treasure Island" and Becky reads "Winds of Wyoming" chapter 25. We're nearing the end of both novels. Stay tuned to find out what books we serialize next. :-)
Serenity Orr Amazon author page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk
Podcast 80: Audio Quilt
Podcast #80 writings are like quilt pieces. We read a square or two of humor, a square of serious, two squares of book excerpts, and then finish off with a fun poetry square. Enjoy!
Roger Pond: author page
Eclectic Collage: author page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 79: Butterflies, Bouquets, Rodeo Queens – and Driving the Truck
Interspersed with Steve and Becky reading "Treasure Island" and "Winds of Wyoming" chapters, our special guest, Sharon Brown, shares several of her poems for your summer listening pleasure. :-)
Sharon Brown website, Sharon's poetry: cowboy poetry
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 78: July Musings
In Podcast #78, Steve provides a glimpse into Becky's latest book, "Winds of Hope." He also reads several patriotic poems by Eugene Shea. Richard Matteson joins us with thoughts about revenge based on Samson's life, and Becky reads from Laurie Bower's "Journal of Miracles." We conclude with a handful of Kid Chuckles guaranteed to tickle your funny bone. :-)
Laurie Bower website: http://llbower.com
Richard Matteson blog page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 77: Better Than Worms
From outhouse humor to ancient tribes, from frustrated children to frustrated pirates, from endangered species to endangered humans -- this podcast has it all! Enjoy :-)
David Roper blogsite and author page
Roger Pond author page
Serenity Orr Amazon author page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 76: Mysteries All Around
Hilarey Johnson's "Shape-Shifting Bohoja" kidnapping story provides a different perspective on an old, sordid crime. And Jeanne Kay offers fun tales about escaped criminals in her "Prison Librarian" journal. Moving ahead with our regular readings, Steve is in chapter 27 of "Treasure Island" and Becky reads from "Winds of Wyoming" chapter 23. Enjoy!
Hilarey Johnson website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 75: Mysteries All Around
A mysterious skull, a frightening phone message, an eerie picture, a black night, a noisy parrot, threatening emails, boot prints in the backyard, house arrest - and really great music. You'll hear it all on Podcast #75!
Danny Clark: website
John Clark Wagner: author page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 74: A Dark Moon Rises
We're back with "Treasure Island" and "Winds of Wyoming" excerpts in podcast #74. In addition, we share some Kid Chuckles plus read from Sandra Kopp's "A Dark Moon Rises" and Earline Kline's "Loving My Enemies" from "The Ways of the Lord."
Sandra Kopp author page
Earline Kline author page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 73: Like the Moon (Light & Dark)
We offer a mix of humorous and somewhat dark tales in podcast #73. As you might guess, "My Dog Was a Redneck but We Got Him Fixed" by Roger Pond leans toward the lighter side. "The Magician" from "Passageways" and "The Interlopers" by 19th Century British author Saki are a bit darker, but they also have a bright side. The podcast concludes with "Like Balls," a short poem by Christian Foster and "The Great Awakening" by David Roper.
David Roper blogsite
Dave Roper author page
Roger Pond author page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 72: Running the Race
We begin this podcast with Serenity Orr's Revealer of Secrets: A Ruby Mountain Mystery. Also in the lineup: Winds of Wyoming and Treasure Island excerpts, a David Roper essay called Courage, and a Patti Shene poem titled My Yesterday.
Serenity Orr Amazon author page
David Roper blogsite
Patti Shene website
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 71: Nevada Guest Authors
We continue our readings from Treasure Island and Winds of Wyoming and also treat you to fiction by authors who live in nearby Nevada. Search for Xerena by Serenity Orr is the first novel in an ancient-world fantasy series and The Hot-Pink Duffle by Christina Foster is a fun short story you're sure to enjoy.
Serenity Orr Amazon author page
(Podcast sound effects source: http://www.freesfx.co.uk)
Podcast 70: Bandits on Both Sides of the Bars
Along with readings from Treasure Island and Winds of Wyoming, Podcast 70 features entries from Jeanne Kay's "Prison Librarian" journal plus a fun short story by Danney Clark titled “The Burglar.”
Danney Clark: www.danneyclark.com